Voting is underway to decide which Chicago dog will become the new safe digging “ambassadog” for People Gas.

The winning pup will have an important job: to remind Chicagoans to call 811 at least two days before starting any outdoor digging project. When property owners call 811, expert technicians will come out at no charge and mark the spots where underground utility lines are buried so none of them gets hit, and everyone stays safe.


About the finalists…

Apple loves digging, splashing in water, sitting on the couch, and eating string cheese.

Ivy loves digging, water rescue classes, stealing shoes, and wrestling with her brother.

Jolene loves digging, and the fact she has just three legs does not hold her back at all. She also loves sitting at her grandma’s feet while grandma does puzzles.

 Mushroom loves digging, zooming around the dog park, chasing Frisbees, and barking at the mail carrier.

Oblio is reliant on smell when he digs, because he’s deaf. His family calls him a 50-pound bowling ball of happy energy!

Peoples Gas holds a “Doggone it!” contest each summer in which customers send photos of their dogs digging. Five finalists are chosen, and the public votes online to decide which one will serve as the company’s new safe digging ambassadog. The ambassadog is then featured throughout the next year in Peoples Gas public promotions for safe digging.

Voting in the competition runs through July 26.

The winning dog will be announced at an event on Aug. 8.